As a user, you are in good hands with LD Systems. Your enthusiasm is our benchmark. Whether you are an event technician, system integrator, mobile DJ or musician – your needs are at the heart of every decision we make. LD Systems are passionate about developing professional audio solutions that make your life easier on the job and meet your high expectations for sound and performance. You’ll experience some of the best customer support in the industry – true to the motto “Your Sound. Our Mission.” LD Systems’ professional audio product lines include innovative, high-performance PA systems, advanced speakers and subwoofers for live events, installations or battery-powered outdoor use. LD Systems wireless microphone and in-ear monitoring systems provide full freedom of movement and reliability for artists on stage and excellent speech intelligibility for speakers in conferences.
Regardless of which concert or event, whether on stage or at a conference, you have to instinctively be able to rely on your sound system. That’s why LD Systems® continues to pride itself on delivering high-quality materials and long-lasting workmanship.
Product developers at LD Systems take great care to ensure that the sound you’ve got in mind becomes a reality. From tweeters to subwoofers, or from mobile PAs to installed systems, our goal is to always represent the latest state of sound technology.
LD Systems® puts the user first, meaning that simple, intuitive, and efficient operation is already factored in at an early stage during development. From ergonomic handles to easily readable LED displays.

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